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Design the approach
Sustainable work strategy

Initiatives without a clear vision waste time and resources. Defining your strategy is crucial for a sustainable work agenda, providing clear focus and delineating the imperative for change, aspirational vision, goals, and interventions. Employee data, especially from surveys, is valuable for crafting this strategy.

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Our 3 x 4 framework


We follow an integral, multi-level and evidence based approach shaped by positive psychology and work design research. We help you build a mutually reinforcing strategy that remediates and prevents illness on the one hand and promotes thriving and performance on the other hand.

3 different approaches





Thriving and performance

4 different levels

Work and organization




We screen your current strategy 

Strategy scan


We offer a powerful self-scan helping you effectively measure and enhance your current sustainable work and psychosocial well-being strategy and initiatives. The results help you identify areas where your strategy may require further development:


  • Examines whether your initiatives are in line with the legal requirements


  • Helps you determine whether you have successfully integrated various parameters to achieve an integrated and multi-level approach.


  • Measure your maturity level across our 3x4 strategy plan



How we outline your strategy

During different workshops with decision-making stakeholders, we help you outline your strategy based on the needs analysis:


  • We support you in developing a compelling vision with clear objectives, goals and strategic priorities


  • We help you assess your current and future initiatives based on our 3x4 framework


  • We help you build a business case covering your need to change and desire to change in terms of employee thriving and sustainable performance​


  • We develop a change approach with clear roles and responsibilities 

Monitor and improve

Through continuous participation & communication with different stakeholders, we refine the process

Rewire (VOF Breakthrough Consulting)
Désiré Souffreauweg 1, 9320 Aalst
KBO 0759.435.962
RPR Gent Afdeling Dendermonde

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Rewire 2024 all rights reserved


DV opleidingen: O249370
DV advies: A249369

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